Productivity hacks for working from home with kids

Abha Malpani Naismith
3 min readOct 8, 2023

Eat the frog first!

I have been working from home full-time for the last 3 months.

In my opinion, working a few days from home is totally different from working full-time from home. You really need to plan your time well, or you will get nothing done.

My kids are small which means their behaviour is unpredictable.

I’m freelancing which means my workload is unpredictable, and my deadlines vary on a weekly basis.

I pick up and drop off my kids everyday, take them to their classes, and make it to the gym 2–3 times a week.

In the last 3 months, I have worked with 4 different clients, worked on my own projects (this and the AI Content Co), and completed a mini-workshop sprint that helped me launch, sell and conduct my first ever live virtual workshop on creating and publishing a children’s book using AI in 1-hour.

Here are some things that really helped me maximise my time working from home:

1.Allocating non-negotiable ‘deep work’ time: My work involves research and writing. Some things I have to write about are challenging, so I need a big block of time. Getting the biggest and most challenging piece of writing I have to do out of the…



Abha Malpani Naismith

Communications professional. Digital strategist. Writer. Mum. AI enthusiast. Newsletter for working mums.